Commercial Laundry

Commercial Laundry for Businesses in and near Elgin, IL

Currently West Pier serves big government, local law enforcement, fire stations and private clients.

Owning and managing a business can be challenging work. From managing operations to projects to staff, keeping track of everything can be overwhelming and sometimes downright inconvenient. One such task many businesses must tackle is laundry, even when it is not the core source of revenue. West Pier Laundry offers commercial services that can wash, dry, and fold towels, linens, bedding, horse blankets, uniforms, and more so that you can concentrate on your core business goals and less on laundry.

Get your custom quote and let’s get started.

Email us at or call us at (847) 695-6060 and tell us what kind of laundry you have, how much, and how often you need our commercial laundry services.

We Offer a Variety of Commercial Laundry Services

West Pier Laundry specializes in horse blankets. We boast the most experience in washing horse blankets and pride ourselves on operating delivery routes with the greatest range from our laundromat in Elgin, IL. We know that household with equine pets want their horses to be very well cared for in the countryside and we are one of the very few, if not only laundromat that services horse blankets on a regular basis. Schedule your horse blanket laundry with us. We know how to get them to look clean without irritating the horses.

When you work to serve the people through city government, you know a lot of resources go into managing municipalities and public works. From water works and sanitation to surveying and tree trimming, public service workers rely on being supplied with clean uniforms and towels to clean up at the end of a shift. West Pier Laundry can help you keep a clean rotation or uniforms, towels, and any other needed linens in stock so that you can focus on the service your provide citizens.

If you own a restaurant, bar, café, or catering business, then you know customers are seeking a delicious meal. However, operating a kitchen and dining floor can be daunting. With chefs, line cooks, and wait staff doing their best to create and serve meals in a fast and attentive manner, the last thing you want is to seat customers at tables with dirty stained table linens and served by staff in inadequately cleaned and discolored uniforms. Unsightly spots are enough to ruin anyone’s appetite. West Pier Laundry can help you keep your tablecloths, chair covers, linen napkins, staff uniforms, aprons, and chefs’ covers neat and clean—presentable to customers.

Managing the operations in a corrections facility is already challenging and stressful enough. Between guarding entrances and gateways to overseeing the inmate population and preventing dangerous situations, there is already enough to be concerned with. Laundry shouldn’t be one of those concerns. Offload your inmate uniforms, towels, and linens onto West Pier Laundry so that you and your staff can focus on maintaining a stable environment.

Law enforcement and fire safety requires brave men and women to keep our society safe--safe from crime and safe from environmental hazards such as fires and other natural disasters. These departments, agencies, and authorities are critical to the safety and security of the homes, neighborhoods, and cities we live in. And these departments require uniforms for almost every member. West Pier Laundry can keep your police and fire departments’ uniforms and their wearers looking clean, sharp, and professional.

When you manage a medical or dental office, then you know you must always appear professional and sanitized. Lab coats, scrubs, and any other staff uniforms must be clean and free of spots that might cause patients and their loved ones to question your hygiene and safety of the office. If you intake patients, any towels, linens, and bedding used to treat a patient must be immaculate. Anything less, and patients may seek treatment anywhere else. West Pier Laundry can help wash and sanitize your laundry so that you can maintain a high level of trust with patients.

Hospitals can present challenging environments to work in, let alone manage. With high volume of patients entering and exiting for scheduled procedures or the overwhelming rush of people entering and leaving the ER, the stakes are high when it comes to treating injuries and illnesses. The same can be said about long-term care facilities. West Pier Laundry can help you stay focused on treating your patients and caring for long-term residents. We can wash, dry, and fold patient robes, lab coats, staff uniforms, scrubs, bed sheets, pillows, blankets, and more.

When you manage a housekeeping service, whether you clean offices, homes, or both, you want your staff to look professional in their uniforms and the custodial rags and towels they use to not smudge and scratch up delicate surfaces. West Pier Laundry can wash and fold staff uniforms so that you employees look sharp and we can also wash out any gritty, scratchy debris from rags and towels so that your staff can confidently clean with them without damaging your clientele’s furniture, counter tops, and other surfaces in their homes and offices.

West Pier Laundry can help you with your staff uniform laundry and dorm laundry. If you manage a sports team, we can wash sports uniforms and towels, which often get stained with dirt and grass and drenched in sweat. We running an entire department is daunting enough. Let us take the laundry and wash, dry, and fold everything for you so that you can concentrate on delivering academics and results faculty and students want.